Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Pros A3 printing and scanning, quick and detailed scans, fast first-page-out times, comprehensive connectivity, low running cost. Best for help with: Compare with similar items. Resolutions are listed vertical by horizontal dpi. See All Buying Options. It does do as advertised, you just have to tweak the settings.
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Setup was easy enough, although you may need to be a little savvy to successfully share the printer with several PCs over a network. I ended up buying off-brand XL refill ink cartridges to use on it. More annoying is the fact that there's no easy way to feed a single envelope without emptying out a paper tray.

Brother MFC-6490CW

I realized that most of my prints are for my own files, or for me to mark up with a pen. Brrother want to mention that I did not find this machine to be noisier than other small ones I've previously owned.

We noticed a great deal of noise and banding in 4x6in photos but this brothsr when printing at A3. Best Transmission Speed approx.

Tablets by Dan Ackerman 8 days ago.

Warranty & Support

Then how could I say no? Legal Disclaimers If free shipping is indicated above: See and discover other items: At this point I thought I should make an update. It does make some noise, but not enough to annoy me or mcc-6940cw the cat up.

Apple Mac OS X Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1.

Brother MFCCW Support

I believe this printer would serve any small business well. Best for quick help with: Remote Fax Retrieval Polling. This item is not eligible for international shipping.

ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. Membership is free, and your security and privacy remain protected. Envelopes, Paper plain bdother, Transparencies. ADF - 50 sheets size: East Dane Designer Men's Fashion.

It is not in heavy use so i expect to have it for a long time.

Mfc-694cw Document Feeder Capacity max. Supports paper sizes up to ledger size 11 x inch. While it copies from a feeder, it does not print from one, which would have been very convenient for doing fast prints of things like envelopes.

I have had this printer for a couple of weeks now and overall I'm very pleased. Don't see what you're looking for?

Out-of-paper reception, auto fax reduction, fax forwarding for black-and-white faxes, and automatic redial are all supported. Products for Hrother Products for Home.

Outputting photos to plain paper showed noticeable banding, but that's to be expected. Every time you turn it on brrother copy, it defaults to the fax menu. That's because the size of the tray in that configuration is too small for A3 paper or larger. Simply connect it to your router and everyone on the network with wireless capabilities can print, scan, fax, and access the digital camera media cards.
